American Grammar Goals (5) Class Audio CD-1片
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底下是 American Grammar Goals (5) Class Audio CD-1片 的內容簡介
Go for Gold!
Grammar Goals? is a new six-level grammar series for young learners, and an ideal supplement to any primary English course.
Lively, appealing contexts ensure that language use is purposeful and reflects students' real live and interests.
?Clearly contextualised language makes grammar practice meaningful.
?interactive grammar boxes break down form and clarify use.
?Carefully graded exercises build confidence and accuracy.
?Cross-curricular topics link grammar to everyday life and teach students about the world around them.
?Exercises develop young learner competencies, such as thinking and interpersonal skills.
?A separate writing syllabus teaches key skills and strategies.
?Exam-style activities practice task types from the Cambridge English: Young Learners English tests.
?Step-by-step lesson notes with extra, mixed ability, and extension activities provide excellent teacher support.
作者: Nicole Taylor, Michael Watts
新功能介紹- 出版社:博客來網路書局東華
新功能介紹 - 出版日期:2014/10/07
- 語言:英文
: American Grammar Goals (5) Class Audio CD-1片
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